IIR design from a classical analog prototype.
Namespace: dsp::filter
FRat<cfloat> design_iira(int n, cstring type, cstring prototype, float fc, float δ_bp=0.1f, float δ_bc=60)
n | Fitler order. |
type | Filter type ("lp" for low-pass, "hp" for high-pass, ...) |
prototype | "butt", "cheb1", "cheb2" or "ellip" |
fc | Normalized cut-off frequncy (or central frequency for band-pass and band-stop), between 0 and 0.5. |
δ_bp | Maximal ondulation (in decibels) in the pass-band (used only for Chebychev type I or elliptic filters). |
δ_bc | Minimal attenuation (in decibels) in the sto-band (used only for Chebychev type II or elliptic filters). |
h Transfert function (digital)
This function returns a discrete transfert function, in the form of poles and zeros (ideal for an implementation with second order sections, see filter_sois()). The following prototypes are possible:
- Butterworth (no ondulation, wide transition band)
- Chebychev type I (ondulations in the pass-band)
- Chebychev type II (ondulations in the stop-band)
- Elliptique (ondulations everywhere, but shortest transition band)
The filter is first designed in the analog domain (Laplace transform), then converted in digital form (z transform) with the bilineair transform.