This is the english API documentation. For french language API, please refer to the following page: https://tsdconseil.github.io/libtsd/fr

Libtsd provides functions in C++ for digital signal processing, with the following design goals:

  • Ease of use: using vector-type classes (Vecf, Veci, ...) for easy vector computing (Matlab / Numpy like),
  • A clear distinction between API (header files) and implementation (source files). Hence, templates are used only parcimonously.
  • A multilanguage API (at least, english using the interface file dsp/dsp.hpp, french using tsd/tsd.hpp)

Simple example (english API)

#include "dsp/dsp-all.hpp"

int main()
  // Example 1 : simple plot
    Figure f;
    let x = linspace(0, 8 * π, 100);
    f.plot(x, cos(x));

  // Example 2 : filter design
    // Low-pass, 31 taps, cutting at fs/4
    let h = design_fir_win(31, "lp", 0.25);

    Figure f;
    f.plot(h, "|o", "impulse response");

    let n = 500;
    let x = sigcos(0.01, n) + 0.1 * randn(n),
        y = filter(h, x);

    f.plot(x, "b-", "Noisy signal");
    f.plot(y, "r-", "Filtered signal");
  return 0;