Filtering of finitge length signals

In this group, are defined contextless filtering structure, for the processing of finite length signals.


Vector<T> filter(const FRat<Tc> &h, const Vector<T> &x)
Filtering of a finite length signal by a filter defined by its transfert function.

Vector<typename Scalar> filter(const Vector<Tc> &h, const Vector<T> &x)
Idem, for a FIR filter.

Vector<typename Scalar> filtfilt(const Vector<Tc> &h, const Vector<T> &x)
Zero-phase filtering (bi-directionnal)

Vector<T> convol(const Vector<Tc> &h, const Vector<T> &x)

Veccf hilbert(const Vecf &x, unsigned int ncoefs=127)
Analytic signal computing (through FIR filtering).

Veccf hilbert_dft(const Vecf &x)
Analytic signal computing (through DFT)