Correlation and time delays
struct Detection
Informations computed from the detected pattern.
struct DetectorConfig
Configuration structure for a FFT based detector.
auto ccorr(const Veccf &x, const Veccf &y=Veccf())
Circular correlation (normalized) between two complex vectors.
auto xcorr(const Veccf &x, const Veccf &y=Veccf(), int m=-1)
Unbiased correlation between two complex vectors.
auto xcorrb(const Veccf &x, const Veccf &y=Veccf(), int m=-1)
Correlation (biased) between two complex vectors.
Vector<T> delay(const Vector<T> &x, float τ)
FFT-based delaying of a vector.
tuple<float, float> delay_estimation(const Veccf &x, const Veccf &y)
Delay estimation between two vectors.
tuple<Vector<T>, Vector<T>, int, float> align_int(const Vector<T> &x, const Vector<T> &y)
Alignement of two vectors.
sptr<Detecteur> detector_new(const DetectorConfig &config=DetectorConfig())
Correlation-based pattern detector.