Miscellaneous functions
static float sinc(float T, float f)
FT of door function between \(-T/2\) and \(T/2\) (sinc function).
static float sinc(float t)
Normalized cardinal sine with cut-off frequency at 0.5.
static double Dirichlet(int N, double Ω)
Dirichlet kernel (periodic cardinal sinus)
static Poly<float> Chebychev_T(int n)
Chebychev polynomial of the first type: \(T_n\left(\cos(\theta)\right) = \cos(n\theta)\).
static Poly<float> Chebychev_U(int n)
Chebychev polynomial of the second type: \(U_n\left(\sin(\theta)\right) = \sin(n\theta)\).