This group defines differentes classical interpolation structures (linear, polynomial, sinc, etc.). All the interpolators share the common interface Interpolator.
using dsp::filter::Interpolator = typedef tsdf::Interpolateur<T>
Generic interface for an interpolator.
using dsp::filter::InterpolatorFIR = typedef tsdf::InterpolateurRIF<T>
Interpolator based on a FIR filter.
using dsp::filter::InterpolatorSincConfig = typedef tsdf::InterpolateurSincConfig
Configuration structure for a sinc interpolator.
sptr<InterpolatorFIR<T>> itrp_cspline()
Interpolation by cardinal splines.
sptr<InterpolatorFIR<T>> itrp_linear()
Linear interpolator (equivalent to first degree Lagrange).
sptr<InterpolatorFIR<T>> itrp_lagrange(unsigned int degree)
Lagrange interpolator.
sptr<InterpolatorFIR<T>> itrp_sinc(int ncoefs, float fcut=0.5, cstring window_type="hn")
Windowed sinc interpolator.